Tentative Schedule for my Bone Marrow Transplant

Monday March 21st 2022

Hi There, many of my wonderful clients/friends have asked me how they can keep up with the progress for restoration of my health and so I have decided to start a blog here on the website. Right now there is not a huge amount to report other than my tentative schedule is that I have will be having a PICC line inserted on April the 12th. (used for easier access for chemo treatment and other medications). Then starting on the 13th I have 5 days of intense chemo and radiation treatment, but will be allowed home in the evenings, on the 18th of April I will be admitted to the hospital, on the 19th I will receive my new stem cells, this day is often referred to as a “New Birthday”. Between now and April the 12th there is not a lot going on other than I will be having another bone marrow biopsy later this week. At the moment for some strange reason my blood pressure has started to spike with me having readings in 175/185 over 88/98 range so I now also have to start take hypertension medication today. When you have leukemia it is normal for your bloods to be at not normal levels and presently my platelets are at a very low 19, we think is because of chemo I had been taking and now stopped, I will be taking another blood test this Wednesday to see if they have improved as we expect them to. Well that’s my brief update for now and unless there is something specific to report I will not start updating the blog on a regular basis until I have commenced the chemo/radiation treatment.